
随心笔谈1年前 (2023)发布 admin
131 0

# ! perl -w

use strict;
use Win32 :: SerialPort;

my $port=’ COM2 ‘ ; # serail port name registried in OS
my $count=0 ; # count number of heartbeat-receiving failture
my $max_count=5 ; # max fail count to be tolerated
my $interface=’

# ———————————-
# 接口 IP 配置
# ———————————-
pushd interface ip

# “local” 的接口 IP 配置

set address name=”local” source=static addr= mask=
set address name=”local” gateway= gwmetric=0
set dns name=”local” source=static addr= register=PRIMARY
add dns name=”local” addr= index=2
set wins name=”local” source=static addr=none

# 接口 IP 配置结束

‘ ; # net inetrface config information

sub errlog {
# log the failtrue occuring time

open ERR , ‘ >>err.log ‘ ;
my @time=localtime ();
my $time=sprintf ( ” %d ” , $time [ 5 ] + 1900 )
. ‘ – ‘
. sprintf ( ” %d ” , $time [ 4 ] + 1 )
. ‘ – ‘
. ” $time[3] ”
. ‘ ‘
. sprintf ( ” %.2d ” , $time [ 2 ])
. ‘ : ‘
. sprintf ( ” %.2d ” , $time [ 1 ])
. ‘ : ‘
. sprintf ( ” %.2d ” , $time [ 0 ]);
print ERR $time . ” \n ” ;
close ERR;

sub ipchange {
# change ip addrress

open TMP , ‘ >tmp ‘ ;
print TMP $interface ;
close TMP;

eval {
system ‘ netsh -f tmp ‘ ;
unlink ‘ tmp ‘ ;

if ($@) { return 0 ;}
return 1 ;

my $ob=Win32 :: SerialPort -> new( $port ) or die ” CANNOT OPEN $port ” ;
# open serial port

eval {
# set serial port properties

$ob -> baudrate( 9600 );
$ob -> parity( ‘ none ‘ );
$ob -> databits( 8 );
$ob -> stopbits( 1 );
$ob -> handshake( ‘ none ‘ );

if ($@) { die ‘ SET FAILED ‘ ;}

$ob -> write_settings or die ” CANNOT WRITE $port DRIVER ” ;
# write to port driver to make it active

while ( 1 ) {
# loop receiving heartbeat from remote machine
# change ip address after designated count of failture

my ( $length , $result )=$ob -> read ( 10 );

if ( $result ) {
$count=0 ;
} elsif ( $count==$max_count ) {
if (not ipchange()) { print ‘ IP CHANGE FAILED ‘ ; }
last ;
} else {
$count ++ ;

sleep ( 1 );

undef $ob ;

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